

This blog is complete set up as a public challenge - mainly to myself - but also to anyone that is willing to step up and help find 100 ways to make education better.

Hi - I am Joey.

I am an educator.  For almost 20 years I have been working with kids and adults in some capacity or other in the field of education.  I started off as a classroom teacher and progressed through many different titles: trainer, instructional designer, director of training and several others.

My entire career (and to be honest, my passion) is really about how to find the best way to educate.  And I mean more than just teaching a specific topic - but really what makes people learn.

"You can train people, but you can't MAKE them learn."  Learning is an internal process that is individual to each and every student.  So how - as educators can we make our education better?

Instead of ranting and raving about how our educational system is broken - I am challenging myself, and all of the education "junkies" that I know, to find 100 ways to make education better.  

Articles or discussions just to make you think. Thoughts and ideas that you want people to know about.  Maybe just something that made you pause, or even better - something that you want to add to your classroom.

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