
Friday, April 26, 2013

# 9 - Mix it up!

I was happy to get a Facebook email from a friend (from school no less) that is a teacher on the international circuit . . . I am jealous of her international travel adventures sometimes - but I really LOVE hearing about her experiences in the classroom - it reminds me that being an educator is still being an educator anywhere in the world!  The age of the class and the topic being discussed can change, but sometimes things just "make sense" and it all comes together.

I love this lesson plan idea - not a new topic to teach for her, but doing something different and incorporating several different techniques - no wonder the students were engaged and interested in what they were doing!  Great job Paola!!!

This is what she writes about her lesson:

"I introduced kids to fractals* in different forms and had them do some activities and also asked them to research something new about them and share with the class. They BLEW me away. And it was soooo fun to see them take something and run with it, especially in a new area of math! Great use of technology too."

FRACTALS?!?!?!  Not necessarily a topic that I have ever found myself standing in front of a class working on . . . and I have done some seriously weird classes!

BUT - let's break this down . . .

     1. introduced different forms with some activities (okay standard, but its a       new concept so GREAT place to start)

     2. research - the kids did the research - PERFECT - motivation from something other than "you have to" - good idea!

     3. share with the class - ooooh - give the kids the opportunity to be experts and to share what they have learned. Increased motivation AND giving them the opportunity to really shine!  GREAT!!!!

     4. Excitement!!! - they blew the teacher away - how awesome is that?!?!?!  And you know that if she was excited then so were the kids!

     5. New area of math - BONUS

     6. Use of technology - BONUS

This is fantastic - I love hearing about these stories and learning how people are working to make education better!!! (If you have any - please send them along!)

A curve or geometric figure, each part of which has the same statistical character as the whole.
Photo Credit: geoftheref via Compfight cc

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