
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

#13 Teach the child in the seat

Recently a friend of mine and I were talking about teaching and how things should work in our world.  

She said
 "we should be teaching the child that is in that seat."  

I know, I know - it sounds so simple, but it is pretty profound - we should NOT be teaching a curriculum, we should NOT be teaching a system - we should be teaching that child!

Yes - of course we have curricula, and we have state guidelines, and we have different systems and different philosophies - but when it comes down to it - we are teaching our students.  

That student it what matters - learning is our goal!

I know that our jobs depends on the scores (I have a love/hate relationship with Kirkpatrick) and our annual reviews come down to how well students can take a test - UGH - but if we can focus on that child and what he or she needs - then we WILL get better test scores and they WILL pass the test.  

Yes of course it is hard to focus on one child when you have a room of 36 screaming bags of hormones (yes, I am flashing back to my middle school teacher days) . . . but the answer is not to become a robot teacher that repeats the same message despite the students in front of you.  It is also not an option to just "teach to the test" or "follow the curriculum" - if the students don't get it - or if they just aren't learning - then it is time to reevaluate the curriculum or make a change to the system.

There is a place for "best practices" and "tried and true" methods - but remember just because it is best for 75% of your class - you are still missing 25% and what they need.  You might be getting a "C" in your class teaching, but what is the "grade" for that 25% - what happens to them?

Teachers - What do you do to make sure you are teaching to each and every student in your class?

Thank you Mary Sue for your words of wisdom - hopefully we can help many people find a way to teach that student in that seat!

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